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Fact Sheet: Relationship Issues

The Garden Clinic, Skimped Hill Health Centre, Skimped Hill Lane, Bracknell  Tel: 01344 458118


Staff in the clinic can offer advice and information on all methods of contraception, emergency contraception (“the morning after pill”), sexually transmitted infections including HIV, and counselling and referral around unwanted pregnancy. You can also pick up condoms and Chlamydia self-testing kits during clinic hours.

Specialist sexual health services

The Team, based in Bracknell Forest, offers distribution of condoms, pregnancy testing, contraception through a GP and Chlamydia testing. There is also support for relationships as well as support for teenage parents. The Service is for young people aged 14 – 19 years.

Support and Information:

Bracknell Forest Youth Service Text a Question 07860020030

Young People’s Sexual Health Advice & Guidance Team

For local services, information and clinics

It’s always best to read up about the subject (see links below) and talk things through with your partner or with someone else you can trust.

Relationships can be exciting and fun, but there are lots of things you need to think about if you and your partner decide you both want to have a sexual relationship. You both need to think about contraception, pregnancy and protecting yourself against sexually transmitted infections.

Being prepared doesn’t have to take the fun out of the relationship and it doesn’t mean either of you are planning to sleep around. It means you are thinking sensibly about your future and about your health.

If your partner does not feel ready or doesn’t want to have sex, don’t put pressure on them – it’s really important that you’re both happy with whatever happens in your relationship.

Sexual Health

The age of consent in the UK is 16, which means it is legal to have sex once you are 16 years old. Remember though, whatever your age, you shouldn’t have sex until you feel ready or unless you’re sure that you want to.

If you don’t know who to talk to, why not give us a call on 01344 311200? You can arrange to speak with one of our counsellors in confidence.

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Very helpful counselling service, it’s nice to be able to have someone to talk to at Youthline and someone you can trust

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