Counselling in Schools
Youthline provides an in-school counselling service directly to secondary schools in the Bracknell Forest area. This initiative is designed to enhance the accessibility of counselling support for schools and their students when they need it most, aiming to remove barriers that young people face in seeking help by offering it during school hours and in a familiar environment.
All of our school counsellors are highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in addressing challenges that young people encounter within a school environment.
Youthline's schools outreach program strives to assist as many students as possible through one-to-one counselling, as well as through group sessions and school assemblies.
One-to-one counselling provides a safe place for young people to talk openly without fear of judgment. It consists of a client (the person seeking counselling) and a counsellor who allocate time to discuss and understand the challenges the individual is facing.
Group sessions enable us to provide counselling support to a larger group of young individuals. These sessions are geared towards normalising thoughts and feelings, offering a structured and safe space for students to explore coping strategies, provide opportunity to enhance their self-awareness, develop personal resources and tools and gain a better understanding of their own issues. Additionally, we offer assemblies that delve into young people's mental health and introduce the support services provided by Youthline. We can also guide students to other national and local support organizations and charities. These assemblies can be tailored for the entire school or specific year groups.
If you would like to arrange counselling provisions at your school or discuss the counselling process further, please call us on 01344 311200 or email us on ask@youthlineuk.com.
If you are a parent of, or a student wanting to access counselling in school, please speak directly to your head of year and/or school pastoral support about accessing Youthline counselling in your Bracknell Forest school.